10 Percent Bigger

Saturday, May 31, 2008

"And them Limey eyes they were eyin' the prize some people call manly footwear"

A little tip of the hat to Gary P. Nunn for the blog title. I lifted it from his song "London Homesick Blues".

Some of my readers may recall, that we (that is, my big-sis and I) took a trip down to Mercedes, Texas back in January. Nuttnbunny wanted to get some new boots, and to be honest, I was ready for a new pair myself (not that the others are worn out - I just wanted new). Fast forward to Friday, when I walked in the door, and found that they had arrived.

A square toe, but not too square. Natural sole, 13 inch upper, toast remuda, and a chocolate shark counter. Pretty snazzy if I do say so myself. I need to find a belt to match, and I will be set.

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