10 Percent Bigger

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

West bound windshield time.

Back from Midland, TX. Once again, I made a small section of the world safe from the wicked mourning dove. Not as many as I would have prefered, but I was doing a little teaching also.

A buddy of mine wanted to learn to dove hunt, and while he had been one other time, the guy he went with was a relative newcomer also. We got into the field later then I would have liked, but only because I brought along some other toys that go boom to play with. I wanted to field test a couple new (or new to me) shotguns & ARs, and he had fun blasting away at cheap generic sodas (which make a great target).

A couple doves and one beautiful sunset later, and we packed it in. Next time, I think we should hit the skeet range first, as I think he was taking shots that were too far, but we can fix that. One thing I always forget, is that even though the land is flat and dry, I do love it out there. Heck, I have been keeping my eye out for some land. Unfortunately, anything for sale is still way out of my range, or is too far away.

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Blogger none said...

Nice scenery! Sounds like a good time.

8:40 AM  
Blogger 10% said...

Thanks Hammer, glad to see you are feeling better!

4:00 PM  
Blogger Home on the Range said...

That's a great photo. I saved as my desktop background so I could just look at it a while longer.

7:31 PM  
Blogger nuttnbunny said...

You're making me homesick. That land south of Halletsville is still listed. I look at it every once in a while wistfully.

8:52 AM  

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