10 Percent Bigger

Monday, October 27, 2008

Not much to say.

Been kinda quiet lately. Not for lack stuff going on, but I just haven't had much to say. I actually has one post done, but realized it was way too stream of conscience. I even had trouble keeping up with the thread. I nuked it.

BJJ has been interesting lately. I've been working on some positions, and noticed that people have been adapting to what I've been doing. The triangle choke has been high percentage lately but people have against it better. I'm either telegraphing too much or people are getting better at defending. Maybe a bit of both. The flip side, is that I have been baiting the triangle choke to pass the guard. Some folks have gotten wise to this and are switching to the armbar right away.

In non-BJJ news, I need to get a photo tent. Something I can shoot knife macros in without getting hotspots on the blade edges. Two new knives are landing or will shortly. I picked up a Benchmade mini-griptillian and a Spyderco Mule (The new M4 version). It will be interesting to test the Previous Mule, so I can compare the two steels (one is 52100 and the other is M4). If anyone in the Austin area has a belt grinder they would like to sell inexpensively or a vertical bandsaw let me know. I have been getting the itch to try making knives again. Given enough time, I might be able to make a belt grinder. Couple wheels, some steel, a variable speed motor, and the belt. Although with my luck I would buy $1k in tools to save $400. Penny wise and pound foolish as they say.

I have my 10 year college reunion in two weeks. For once I am planning on attending. Should be interesting to see how everyone is doing. I tend to keep up with most folks, but occasionally I can't reach anyone. Pictures of the school will follow.

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

West bound windshield time.

Back from Midland, TX. Once again, I made a small section of the world safe from the wicked mourning dove. Not as many as I would have prefered, but I was doing a little teaching also.

A buddy of mine wanted to learn to dove hunt, and while he had been one other time, the guy he went with was a relative newcomer also. We got into the field later then I would have liked, but only because I brought along some other toys that go boom to play with. I wanted to field test a couple new (or new to me) shotguns & ARs, and he had fun blasting away at cheap generic sodas (which make a great target).

A couple doves and one beautiful sunset later, and we packed it in. Next time, I think we should hit the skeet range first, as I think he was taking shots that were too far, but we can fix that. One thing I always forget, is that even though the land is flat and dry, I do love it out there. Heck, I have been keeping my eye out for some land. Unfortunately, anything for sale is still way out of my range, or is too far away.

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